Seems so hard to stand this days.hopeless almost touch my lowest point in my life (AGAIN?!!!!).i do apologize for making you so that confused.Thank you for trying to understand and comprehend me all the way.My past's still haunted me as if I wont loose that tied.untouchable strings would push you under your unconciousness.
Your words last night made me a litle bit comfortable.Thank you for purposing me,babe.Teach me how to know you deeper,how to understand you more and try to trust to each other.Once,I've given up to this condition.too many barriers between us.but last night,you made me stronger than ever.That we could be in love till dead do us part (hehhehe..).
Satu lagi,makase bt telor paskahnya y.meski gompel krn dah babe gigit seh utuh disimpen di freezer,mow sedikit pengakuan dosa.kelincinya dah ilang.abis cokelatnya tempting nahan bt ga melahapnya.
makase ya,babe.Thank you for being my man :)
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